All functions can be used any number of times!
30 days Free trial

*In the extension category, 3 products received the highest rating (★★★) for 3 consecutive years.
2 product received the semi-highest rating (★★) / 1 product received the 1-star rating (★).
Because Toyokumo kintoneApp
You can start wherever you like depending on the problem you want to solve!

Input from outside
Web form creation

Case Studies
Centrally manage inquiries from all over the world

Output to outside
Publish as Web pages / Ledger output

Case Studies
In-house event application system for 1,600 people
ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

マイナンバーカードを利用した本人確認や、大規模なアクセスにも対応できる「仮想待合室」、見た目や機能をカスタマイズできる「テンプレートギャラリー」など、Toyokumo kintoneAppをもっと便利に活用できる機能を紹介します。
Why you can do it with Toyokumo kintoneApp

Easy operation
The intuitive and simple design allows easy drag-and-drop operation.

Peace of mind security
All communications are encrypted. A simple and secure identity verification system using passwordless authentication.

Complete support
Full of help and operation guides. It is safe even for first-time users.